Ringtones » Pop - Dance » Julio Iglesias - Moonlight Lady

Julio Iglesias - Moonlight Lady

Thanks to our MP3 player, you can download Julio Iglesias - Moonlight Lady ringtone to your phone and tablet with Android operating system, and on Ipad or Iphone, which are running iOS.

A bit about music or quote:

Peter's special air, atmosphere, and mood. It is a city, hiding in the back streets of bivalve windows located near the ground: ancient dilapidated buildings, and dilapidated mansions. Here you can meet the “Bakery,” from which the aroma of freshly baked bread blows, and a restaurant with excellent Russian cuisine and music. Walking in St. Petersburg is like reading a life diary. A northern gust of wind blows off a snowy “sheet” from the sidewalk, and at the same time, penetrates the soul, flirting with feelings and memories. In Moscow, all days are like threads of a large tangle that rolls non-stop. In St. Petersburg, time is more respectful for residents and tourists. It is especially noticeable in people's faces. They are emotional, calm, thoughtful, funny, sad. They have no tension and recklessness in the world. - Oleg Roy

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