Ringtones » Reggae » Alkaline - One Inna Dem Head

Alkaline - One Inna Dem Head

Thanks to our MP3 player, you can download Alkaline - One Inna Dem Head ringtone to your phone and tablet with Android operating system, and on Ipad or Iphone, which are running iOS.

A bit about music or quote:

Phone. What a strange mechanism: making an ordinary call, it can mix all the senses of a person! So many passions, love confessions, hatred pass through him - does he not feel human pain at all? Or are these phone calls the pain itself, convulsive and unbearable?
Mobile phone! I take it out of my pocket, press the button, and it immediately starts ringing, and from each trill, my heart sank, and on display, I read the names of those who need me but do not connect with anyone. Lord, even if “the subscriber not installed” is displayed, and then I will understand that it’s you, because twenty people know my number, no more, and they vowed not to give it to anyone. No, it not highlighted - all these are numbers of friends or colleagues.

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